The Advantages of 5G Networks You Must Know First

TopBlog Pk - On this occasion we will get acquainted with a new technology network that will soon be present in our lives in the next few years. The successor / replacement technology of 4G is called 5G. Technology that has various advantages in terms of features and speed is the latest technology from its predecessors ranging from 1G to 4G.


5G in mobile networks generally stands from the letter "G" which means "Generation" . This technology is the fifth generation of networking technology (network) before. Here are some technologies that existed before 5G.

🔹1G is used as a basis for telephone calls. The disadvantages are weak and insecure signals.

🔹2G is the second generation after 1G. There are additional digital phone calls and messages. The disadvantage is that Internet access is too slow.

🔹3G offers advantages in messaging and better internet data compared to its predecessor. And certainly better in terms of mobile internet.

🔹4G offers full IP service with fast connections and low latency compared to previous generations. Speeds up to 1Gbps, which will then be given to consumers between 1Mbps and 10Mbps.

🔹5G aims to achieve the ultimate wireless speed of 10 Mbps to 100Mbps or more.

Why do we need 5G?

With the presence of 5G in our lives now, it will make a mobile network (mobile network) more powerful than before. All services related to internet connection will run very smoothly with low latency rates, and will further maximize new technologies such as Real-time gaming, large capacity video downloads and very fast upload speeds. With this technology also allows easy implementation of technologies such as selft-driving cars, Augmented reality and Virtual reality.

When will 5G be on the market?

From some news there is a mention that this technology will be commercially available in 2020. About 4 years from now. But it could have been earlier than previously thought. With the arrival of 5G, a network with extremely fast speeds will be available. Of course, with new features that we do not know about. But certainly it will be better than its predecessor namely 4G.

🔹The staying speed is staying 5G 66 x faster than 4G. 

Wow ... So super ...
Are you interested in 5G networks and want to try it right away?

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